Will I be bleeding after today?

Yes, you will most likely have bleeding like a period. Some women will have irregular bleeding off and on for the first 3-4 weeks. Any bleeding pattern is normal, unless you are soaking through 1 pad / hour, or passing large clots.

Can I use tampons?
No, you will have to wear pads, or panty liners for the first three weeks. NOTHING is to go into the vagina for the first three weeks, to prevent any infections.

Am I going to feel anything?
Yes, you will feel cramping. We use local anesthetic, nitrous oxide gas (laughing gas), and optional conscious sedation. The use of all these options helps to make you much more comfortable during your procedure.

Am I going to go to sleep?
No. You would have to go to the hospital to go to sleep for your procedure. The optional conscious sedation, is just as it sounds, you will be conscious (awake), but will be very relaxed, and much more comfortable. You will be able to talk with the nurse and doctor in the room, and before you know it, you will ask, "Is it over"? And, yes it will be over.

When will I get my next period?
If you start birth control the Sunday after your procedure, you can expect your next period in 4 weeks. It may not be quite like your regular period. It may be a little lighter or a little heavier. It will take a couple of months on birth control to get back to a regular menstrual cycle.

When can I resume my normal activities?
Usually, by the next day you can resume normal activities. You may take Motrin or Tylenol for cramping. If you experience a lot of bleeding, stop, get off your feet, and rest. This should help. If you have a job that requires a lot of heavy lifting, the doctor may ask you to take a day or two off for medical reasons, and a work excuse will be provided for you.

Can my boyfriend, mother, or other friend be in the procedure room with me?
No. The room that you have your procedure done in, is just like an operating room. Instruments are sterile, and the most important thing for us is that we tend to you and your care.

For Friends and Loved Ones
After an abortion, your friend or loved one may feel sad. This is not unusual. Changes in hormones, and having to make a decision, that is not an easy decision, can cause some sadness. She may need some additional emotional support including someone to just listen to her talk about her thoughts and feelings. You can be the most important part of her healing! By being non-judgmental, loving, and supportive, you can help her through this process.

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